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linux 登陆vps,linux 通过vps代理上网
发布时间:2024-03-22 04:55:22   分类:香港VPS租用

1. Introduction

Linux is an open-source operating system that has gained a considerable amount of attention over the past few years due to its security and stability. Many developers prefer Linux as their operating system of choice because it’s free to use and has a vast community of experts that can help troubleshoot issues. In this article, we’ll be discussing how to log in to a VPS using Linux, which is often a topic of interest among developers and system administrators alike.

2. Steps to Log in to VPS via SSH

Secure Shell, also known as SSH, is a cryptographic network protocol that allows secure communication between two computers. One of the primary uses of SSH is logging in to a remote server, such as a VPS. The following steps will guide you through logging in to your VPS using SSH.

Step 1: Open Your Terminal

The first step is to open your terminal. Depending on your Linux distribution and desktop environment, you can do this using various methods. For instance, on Ubuntu, you can press the Ctrl + Alt + T keyboard shortcut, or press the Super key and search for "terminal."

Step 2: Enter the SSH Command

Once the terminal window is open, enter the following command to log in to your VPS via SSH:

ssh username@server_address -p port_number

Replace "username" with your VPS username, "server_address" with your server's IP address, and "port_number" with the SSH port number your server is listening on (usually 22).


Step 3: Enter Your Password

After entering the command, hit "Enter." You'll then be prompted to enter your password. You won't see any characters displayed on the screen as you type your password, which is normal. Hit "Enter" again when finished, and you'll be logged in to your VPS.

3. Use SSH Keys to Log in to VPS More Securely

Although SSH is a secure way to access your VPS, it involves entering your password every time you log in, which can be inconvenient. Fortunately, SSH keys provide a more secure and user-friendly alternative.

Step 1: Generate SSH Keys

Open a terminal window and enter the following command to generate a new SSH key pair:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Press "Enter" when prompted to use the default file location and enter a passphrase if you wish. This passphrase encrypts your private key and provides an additional layer of security.

Step 2: Add the Public Key to Your VPS

After generating your SSH key pair, you need to add the public key to your VPS. To do this, enter the following command:

ssh-copy-id username@server_address -p port_number

Replace "username," "server_address," and "port_number" with your VPS details. Enter your password when prompted, and your public key will be added to your VPS's authorized_keys file.

Step 3: Log in Using SSH Keys

Once your public key is added to your VPS, you can log in without entering a password. Enter the following command:

ssh username@server_address -p port_number -i path_to_private_key

Replace "username," "server_address," "port_number," and "path_to_private_key" with your VPS details and the file path to your private key. Hit "Enter," and you'll be logged in to your VPS more securely.

4. Conclusion

Logging in to a VPS using Linux is a fundamental task that all developers and system administrators should know how to do. By using SSH, you can securely access your VPS and perform various tasks remotely without physically being in front of the server. Additionally, by using SSH keys, you can log in more securely without having to enter your password every time you connect to your VPS. Use the steps outlined in this article, and you'll be up and running in no time.


linux 登陆vps


linux 通过vps代理上网

1. 什么是VPS代理上网? VPS代理上网是利用VPS(Virtual Private Server)服务器作为代理服务器来访问互联网的一种方法。在使用VPS代理上网时,用户通过在本地电脑上配置代理服务器信息,将数据传输经过本地计算机和VPS服务器进行加密和解密以保护传输数据的安全性,然后再由VPS服务器向互联网发送请求和收到响应数据。 2. 为什么需要VPS代理上网? 在某些地区或国家,政策法规对互联网访问有所限制。例如,一些网站被禁止访问,或者在访问一些网站时需要使用VPN或代理来实现。此时使用VPS代理上网可以帮助用户顺利地访问被限制的网站,同时提高用户的在线隐私安全。 3. 如何选择适合的VPS代理服务器? 选择适合的VPS代理服务器时,需要考虑以下几个因素: a. 服务器的地理位置:选择距离自己地理位置最近的服务器,可以减少网络延迟,提高访问网站的速度。 b. 服务器的可靠性:选择稳定可靠的VPS代理服务器,避免遇到宕机或者无法连接的情况。 c. 服务器的带宽:选择带宽较大的VPS代理服务器,可以提高访问网站的速度。 d. 服务器的价格:选择价格合理的VPS代理服务器,可以使用户获得更好的性价比。 4. 如何配置VPS代理服务器? 配置VPS代理服务器需要先购买一台VPS服务器,并SSH连接到服务器上,然后进行以下操作: a. 安装和配置Squid代理服务器:首先需要在VPS服务器上安装Squid代理服务器,并在配置文件中设置代理服务器信息和端口号等相关参数。 b. 配置防火墙规则:为了保护VPS服务器的安全,需要在防火墙中添加规则,允许外部访问代理服务器的端口。 c. 配置客户端代理:在本地电脑上配置代理服务器信息,并将代理服务器的IP地址和端口号等信息填入代理服务器设置中,即可完成VPS代理服务器的配置。 5. VPS代理服务器的优点和缺点? a. 优点: i. 提高访问速度和流畅度:选择地理位置较近,带宽较大的VPS代理服务器,可以加快访问速度和流畅度。 ii. 保护个人隐私和安全:使用VPS代理服务器可以隐藏用户的IP地址,增强用户的网络安全和隐私保护。 iii. 获取更多地理位置信息:使用代理服务器可以获取更多地理位置信息,让所有的网络连接看起来像来自于代理服务器。 b. 缺点: i. 受限于VPS服务器的性能:如果服务器资源不足,会影响代理服务器的使用效果。 ii. 容易被网络监控发现:虽然VPS代理服务器可以帮助用户隐蔽自己的IP地址,但是使用不当容易被网络监控发现,导致反效果。 6. 总结 通过使用VPS代理服务器,在不同网络环境下访问互联网可以提高用户访问速度和隐私安全。虽然配置VPS代理服务器需要些许技能和专业知识,但是只要选择合适的VPS服务器,采取正确的操作方法,就可以享受VPS代理服务器带来的优势和便捷。